Monday, February 9, 2009

Art Appreciation

One day Maya couldn't draw, and then the next day she could. Amazing things like that happen when you're three. I can't think of a skill that I would just acquire overnight--without classes, without books or tutorials, just merely with the passage of time--except maybe growing gray hair and wrinkles.

But Maya started a new day, picked up a pen, scribbled, and said, "This is my Dad."Well, yes it is! He's looking a little somber and egg-ish, but handsome. Then she moved onto Mom....

And aren't I adorable? Based on the hair, I think it's a morning-time view, but still pretty cute, don't you think?

And this I believe is Sasquatch. Or maybe it's me if the lone neck hair multiplies. Hard to say. But aren't toddlers amazing? Tonight while she peacefully slumbers, I'm hoping she learns how to clean the shower.

It could happen.


Jen Bay said...

Keep Dreaming. Dreaming is good.

Kelly said...

Nice funny post Eileen.

Chelsea said...

So cute! My favorite picture on my fridge right now is from my 2 year old niece. I love kid artwork.

Amy said...

Yay, Maya! Eileen, I do believe you have an artiste (French, for effect) in bloom!

Ivy Shaffer said...

How adorable! Yes, I agree one day they are makiing lines and the next day, the likings of those they love!

Kira makes me draw Elmo, but now I make her draw him/it and it's truly a riot to watch. I am skinny in her drawings hehe!



PS sorry I've been out of bloggerville lately, trying to catch up. I miss you all.

Lisa said...

I believe Sasquatch might actually be OLAF. :) Love her sketches, E. Maya is toooooo talented with growin' all those skillz overnight. Wanted to tell you that Gracie became suddenly obsessed two days ago with her story of coming home from China. And her favorite part? That Mama promised her CANDY and also the bit about her pink Mickey Mouse shoes. Funny what sticks. :)

Nana said...

I didn't know you had a beard.