Friday, June 15, 2012

It Doesn't Seem Long Ago

That this young man was 

a nervous kindergartener.

It doesn't seem long ago

that he was a chubby baby.

It dosen't seem long ago

when he was our only child,
and Lyle looked barely out of high school himself.

But then again, it doesn't even seem that long ago since this,

but I suppose the hair tells a different story.

We are so proud of our son.

It goes by in a heartbeat.


Betsey said...

Great pictures! They tell such a charming story. Congratulations to you all!

~T~ said...

Congratulations! Love the photos, archival and current.

D6W said...

I think I had your same hair in high school. :)
Tell Adam congratulations!

Jen Bay said...

I know I had the same hair! Congrats to Adam. And to you Mom and Dad... I know he was a lot like Cameron sometimes, and that means that his graduation is a little bit yours too. :)

Kelly said...

Wonderful post! How did I miss this? Can't wait to see you in September as our wicked freshmen start a new journey together!!