Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saved from an untimely demise

We have an ugly bathroom.  When we moved in nearly 7 years ago, we knew that our bathroom needed attention, but the master bathroom is easy to ignore.  Obviously.

With my nesting instincts kicking in as of late, I decided it was time.  The first thing that had to change was the paint.  I have no doubt that the previous owners had many gifts and talents, but painting was not one of them.  Maybe they had compromised eyesight, possibly poor lighting, but whatever the original issue, the stenciling didn't make it all better.  

As I was prepping the room for new paint, I looked at the laundry chute and decided it had to go.  I've never used it and the fact that a small child could fit down it has always made me a tad nervous.  
We live in a three story house, so it would be a treacherous trip to the laundry room.

Lyle was out running errands when I told the kids that the laundry chute was going bye-bye.  Their jaws dropped and weeping and wailing ensued.  I explained my safety concerns and the fact that the laundry chute was taking up precious real estate that could be used for cabinetry.  
They literally stood in front of the chute, shielding it from the sledge hammer with their bodies.  
"It's sentimental!" they screamed.  They each shared happy laundry chute memories.  "Do you remember the troll who went down the laundry chute?" asked Rose.  "Yeah," said Lucy, "followed by the toy search party?  That was great."  The stories went on and on, all told with pleading eyes.
I'd let their dad decide, I told them, quite confident that he'd agree with me.

The kids prepared for his arrival.  "Childhood or cabinet", said Rose's sign.  
Seriously, the drama level is strong in this one.  
And "You're 'chute'ing yourself in the foot" was obviously a Bruder creation.

The protestors met Lyle at the door chanting this little number created by Lucy: "One, two, three, four, kick the hammer out the door!  Five, six, seven, eight, the laundry chute is really great!  
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, you don't need no extra shelves!"

Lyle listened to the mob, when frankly, I would have tear gassed them and sent in the riot police.  I still can't believe it, but Lyle sided with the protestors.  For now.  He just doesn't want to tackle the floor and ceiling issues now.  But the laundry chute's days are numbered, oh yes they are. 
 I will get my cabinets, childhood be darned.


Kelly said...

Your kids are so funny! I love the signs. I'm with you though, we need our closet space.

Tammy said...

That's hilarious. I vote...Down with the chute. A mother deserves extra cabinets!

Jen Bay said...

We had a laundry chute in VA, and I was with you, nervous that a child was destined to make the trip, but one never did, and it turned out to be convenient (even if having the laundry in the basement, was NOT convenient at all....

Julie said...

Hilarious!! I always loved houses with laundry chutes. I never lived in one but always thought it would be cool! So I'm siding with the protesters on this one! ha ha

P.S..we got Dixie from a litter of 11 chocolate labs..and they all looked like her! I'm sure there are still some left?! Tempting? :)

Romantisch Hotel Brugge said...

Wow good job and fantastic idea for chute. amazing this post and really nice look of baby

Anonymous said...

Wow...when I was young, with a young family, I loved the laundry chute. Did not relish carrying dirty clothes, sheets, pillowcases to the
basement laundry room. Occasionally
toys were tossed down,but we never had
one of the kids attempt a headfirst or
feetfirst trip,vancouver,wa.:o)