Tuesday, March 30, 2010



Despite driving rain.
Despite wind advisories.

Despite teenagers who'd prefer to not wear garbage bags.

Lyle is determined to finish his oven.
Don't stand in the way of a man and his pizza.


Jen Bay said...

I see yummy pizza in your future.

Julie said...

Wow..Eileen..that looks amazing. It really does. I can smell the pizza now.

Kelly said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! That makes me laugh just a bit.

Tammy said...

That is looking awesome. Lyle sure is his Father's son! I see the same determination and drive there. What a fun addition that pizza oven will be!

Lisa said...

Officially envious. I'm verging on a little sinful fit of jealousy and envy, E! That Lyle is something else. AND he does teeth. Amazing. Let us know when it's ready to fire up and we'll be right over with our pizza fixin's.