This time the child is older, but heading much farther away. Bruder is currently 5 hours and 10 minutes into his flight to Japan, with 6 hours and 17 minutes to Tokyo, but who's counting. He'll be staying with our good friends, the Fry family and will have a wonderful experience. I fully expect him to see the sights, eat some sushi, learn about the culture, and (knowing the Frys) come home an Eagle Scout.
Since he was flying solo, we got him "unaccompanied minor" status so we could walk him to the gate. He was horrified when we checked in and he was given a bright red United badge to wear prominently on his chest. Somehow (hmmm, how did it happen?) it was lost between check-in and gate. The gate agent asked him about his badge. While Bruder stammered and stuttered, he was given yet another bright red badge. If the badge makes it off the plane, somewhere on his person, I'll be shocked.
Wow! How exciting for Bruder. Poor Cholita. And hey, you need to change Roses name again...
That is fabulous! I have a 13-year-old Star scout and would like nothing more than to send him to Japan for a few weeks. Do your friends take in strangers?
Seriously, we put our oldest on a direct flight to grandma's when she was ten. Then we put her on an international flight to the other grandparents when she was fifteen. I'm wondering when our other children are going to notice that they are being travel-deprived. Hopefully not until we get back out of training and into a real job!
I hope Bruder has a marvelous time!
Oh little Cholita is so adorable, even when crying. So cute.
You're a brave mom for letting Bruder go to Japan. I've sent a couple of mine off that way, out of the country about 3 times. My heart always misses them more, just knowing they're so far away.
How awesome that he will be an Eagle Scout.
Geesh, now I'm feeling really wimpy because I still can't bear the idea of letting my nearly 13-year old fly alone to Utah. Sigh. Maybe when he's 15 . . . :-)
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