Cholita loves him and screams with glee when he appears at the back door. "Old Fatty's here! Old Fatty's here!" The other day I was upstairs when Cho joined me in my room. She had guilt written all over her face and I wondered which wall she'd written on this time. She couldn't even keep eye contact. "Mom," she said looking at the floor. "I did something....but I just can't say it." As I encouraged her to spit it out I heard something laboring up the stairs. "I...I....well...." Something was panting its way down the hall. "I let Old Fatty in the house!" Cholita blurted it out just as Old Fatty rounded the corner.
P.S. And no, that isn't a third food dish. It's a water dish and two food dishes. Old Fatty seems to think otherwise.
I know the feeling. Our Fatty Cat Leo seems to have made a friend and he enjoys bringing him home for visits in the garage. I have made Leo a very nice comfy home there in the garage. It is perfect for one cat. Not two. I couldn't quite figure out why this cat kept coming back to the garage even after Leo was in the house. That was when Jessica quietly confessed that she had been feeding him. I was not getting another Cat and was not going to be talked into it. So we did let Leo's friend (he was obviously a stray) stay in the garage where he was warm and safe until I found him a forever home. Now everyone is happy again.
How fun to see all these photos of your adorable kids! They're getting so grown up; I guess I shouldn't be surprised; mine are, too.
I found your blog via a comment you made on Segullah, and thought, "Hey, I think I know who that is!" I wished so much that your family hadn't moved away from our ward, but when I look at these pictures of your beautiful, bucolic life out there on the peninsula, I can certainly see the appeal! :-)
Sorry to hear about your unwanted fatty. I have some unwanted fat myself but that's another story.
Good luck getting rid of the beast. Does he have tags?Probably a stupid question...
You are kinder than me... but that goes without saying... how will you find where old fatty really lives?
Thanks for the laugh today! :) Visualizing this is almost as good as thinking about your other dog being carried up a mountain. LOL!
I am surely laughing about you hearing Old Fatty round the corner as Cho spits out her confession! ahahahahha What a hoot.
Well, it's a hoot in that way that things are often waaaay funnier in someone else's life than they would be in your own. ha
That Cholita...what a cutie-patootie! This story put such a smile on my face, Eileen!
Thanks for starting my morning off with a smile!
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