Nothing more. By the racket though you'd think my child was daily thrown into the Pit of Despair and strapped to THE MACHINE. When Abby sleeps, she crawls down under all of her covers and then apparently nasty little elves tease her hair into a frenzy. I defy anyone to de-tangle her without inflicting pain.
Sadly though, as I'm reminded on a daily basis, it's not true. Once Abby spent the night with some friends and claims that the morning combing session was just divine. Pain free. Relaxing even. "If only Mrs. So and So could do it every morning...." Yes indeed, if only.
For now, I'm just thankful we live on 5 acres. No one to hear you scream, Blondie. No one at all.
I remember those days. I have an award for you.
Poor thing!! I have lots of hair and you can tell her I feel her pain! Thanks for last night. Its was great. And, sorry I stayed so darn late!!! I just loved the house- and the company!!!
I'm sure you've tried that detangler stuff... no dice? I have also found that a nice big "pick" is more friendsly than a snarly comb.... just a thought.
My daughter could commiserate! (I could commiserate too as a child!) On top of having thick hair she has curly hair; which does not need the evil tangle elves to tangle her hair; it wraps around it's self naturally in to a rat's nest.
Good luck as she gets older! :D
I just love your blog! Let me get over my jealousy and just say...your a great writer. I always feel satisfied with my posts until I bounce on over to Scravings......and then I'm like gosh, this is a whole other ballpark. You should really consider entering/applying to some kind of blog or writing could get payed for this stuff.
I used to tell my oldest daughter (now 16) that Spiller--the boy from The Borrowers series who always seems to have a rope at hand--came in the night and tied knots in her hair. We would laugh at this idea as I worked through the tangles. I tried this story on the youngest (now 3) and it completely freaked her out. She was fearful of going to bed, lest the Spiller Monster come in the night to tie knots in her hair. It probably goes over better with a child who has actually had the books read to her.
So, five acres is what we need for Olivia cries to be hidden from neighbors and people walking by, noted!
Ooooh...Hannah is just like Abby in this regard! Sensitive head, I say. Either that or "IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD." :) How did Mrs. Bay get her flower to the top of the followers again? She must be so happy! :)
A while back I posted a picture of my hairball (post-prego-hair-loss). It was quite impressive...and scary!
Fun blog.
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