Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Worth It

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Friendship According to Rose
On day 2, she once again sprinted off the bus, this time waving a paper in the air. "I have a friend!" she yelled. She excitedly read me a note written by a girl from the bus, asking her if she'd like to be friends. Since it was in writing, Rose felt it was official.
But she still had several little girls in her class she wanted to get to know. Yesterday Rose told me that one of those girls, Camille, was also now an "official" friend. It wasn't in writing, but it was a close second. Camille had asked her to play at recess.
"That's wonderful!" I said. "So what did you guys play?"
"Oh, we didn't play," said Rose. "I told her 'no thank you'."
My mouth fell open.
"Mom, sometimes I need my alone time."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I can hear a pin drop
Cholita would most likely find uniforms too restrictive for her particular tastes. Do you notice her footwear? Don't you think it's lacking in pizazz and color? Well, Cholita would certainly agree. She's LOST her red shoes! I know! I should put out posters. I have no idea how that could have happened since she keeps them with her pretty much 24/7, but tragedy has struck and it's rocked her world. Thankfully, despite the brown shoes, she was full of her red shoe personality this morning for her second year of preschool.
Lucy, our junior high schooler, is in another school district and started last week. Yes, she does live on the third floor while the rest of us reside on the second, but it's for reasons other than location that she's complicated my life by attending another district. I failed in my motherly duties and forgot to pull out the camera, but she trust me, she looked lovely.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Courtyard: Getting Closer
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Someone had a birthday!
Cholita has been waiting for September 2nd to roll around since....well...September 3rd of last year. We celebrated with pizza and balloons and lots of hugs and kisses.